Barry’s Bootcamp

The Famous Red Room. If you are looking for a hot, hard workout, you need to give Barry’s a go. The red room is a vibe, the music is pumping and the trainers are funnn. Alternating between strength/HIIT training and treadmill sprints, the calorie burn is REAL. Each day focuses on a different area of the body, Total Body Fridays are my favourite, despite the guarenteed burpees. After class, enjoy a cool shower, blow out your hair with the dyson hair tools, pick up your protein packed smoothie and enjoy the rest of your day, high on those red room endorphins. You are also required to tell everyone you went to barry’s for the rest of the day.

Smoothie Rec - the Green Latifah slapppsss.


New Year’s Resolutions


Picking the Perfect Protein Powder