All Hail Peanut Butter

There is no disputing that Peanut Butter is the superior spread. If you think otherwise, I don’t think we can be friends. On toast, in a smoothie, on top of acai, in a stirfry sauce or just by the spoonful, peanut butter is never the wrong answer. Well, unless of course, it is mixed with Sugars, Hydrogenated Soy Oil or Palm Oils, Salt, Emulsifiers and really anything other than peanuts. Luckily, there are some excellent brands out there that contain only peanuts and salt, my personal favourites are Mayver’s and Fix & Fogg. Otherwise, whole food supermarkets such as Harris Farm, QE Foods and some IGAs offer fresh jars of peanut butter.

Even better, if you have a food processer, chuck in a bag of roasted peanuts and a few tablespoons of water and make your own! I create my own peanut butter combos, adding cacao powder or honey and cinnamon or even protein powder. Store it in a jar in the cupboard and add it to EVERYTHING.




Mingle with Flavour